By Malvika Kashyap
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A tiny but thriving city, Asheville is renowned for its art, culture, and beer. The top 10 best things to do in Asheville, North Carolina, are listed in this guide.
1. Visit North Carolina Arboretum You may explore the gardens itself, which cover 65 acres, and view many themed gardens.
2. Gray Line Trolley It is a fantastic opportunity to see all of the tourism sites and events the city has to offer.
3. Asheville Museum Of Science It is a little, unassuming place, yet it is a lot of fun. Plenty of intriguing interactive displays that are a must-see for the whole family.
4. Botanical Gardens The Asheville Botanical Gardens are a lovely mixture of habitats for many types of flora and are regarded as one of the most beautiful sites in the States.
5. Pisgah National Forest It is the preferred destination for many nature-loving travellers in Asheville, North Carolina, with its more than 500,000 acres of land.
6. LaZoom Comedy Bus Tours During each 90-minute bus journey, expect wacky slapstick humour, outrageous costumes, and jokes.
7. Craggy Gardens These breathtaking gardens in Asheville, North Carolina, nurture and exhibit more than 20 rare or endangered plant species.
8. Omni Grove Park Inn Spa It offers a wide range of services, including steam rooms with calming smells, relaxation pools, and lounges beside fires.
9. Blue Ridge Parkway It is a 469-mile length that extends from the Great Smoky Mountains in North Carolina all the way to Virginia, which is a fairly long distance.
10. River Arts District The River Arts District consists of 22 structures with a history of industrial use or other historical significance, in keeping with Asheville's free-spirited attitude.
This list of the top things Asheville has to offer should have inspired you with some fantastic activities to do in the city and cross off your bucket list!
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