By Malvika Kashyap
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While Curacao's largest city has many of the best things to do, most visitors come for the island's breathtaking expanses of sand and sparkling sea
1. Visit Kenepa Beach Kenepa, one of the island's most striking beaches, is made up of two little bays, each with an own section of sand
2. Dolphin Academy Dolphin Academy Curacao is one of the top tourist destinations in the entire country, not just the capital, and it draws a tonne of visitors every year
3. Cas Abao Beach Cas Abao Beach, which is very well-liked by both locals and visitors alike, is located on the island's northwest coast not far from Sint Willibrordus
4. Shete Boka National Park The magnificent Shete Boka National Park, Curacao's only other national park, is located near to Christoffel at the northern end of the island
5. Kura Hulanda Museum The Kura Hulanda Museum, a sombre and significant location to visit, explores the region's lasting effects of the transatlantic slave trade
6. Dive into Ocean You really must go scuba diving while on Curacao and in the Caribbean at some point
7. Mambo Beach The gorgeous Mambo Beach on the southwest side is yet another appealing stretch of beach to check out.
8. Visit Riffort Village Riffort Village, which situated at the mouth of St. Anna Bay, is one of the best areas on the island to shop, eat, and have a good time
9. Playa Lagun The tranquil and beautiful Playa Lagun is situated on the island's northwest shore, sandwiched between two enormous rocky headlands
10. Hato Caves The gigantic, eerie Hato Caves, which almost recount the entirety of the Caribbean nation's history, are yet another fantastic location to see.
So, friends, these are the best things to do in Curacao, Island Country. If you find this web story useful then share it with friends.
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