Tour Guide

10 Best Canadian National Parks

By Malvika Kashyap

Lake Guide Team

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The first national park service in the world was founded in Canada. Here in this guide, you will find the list of 10 best Canadian National Parks!

10. Yoho National Park, British Columbia Yoho National Park is a must-see if you enjoy waterfalls, crystal-clear lakes, and soaring mountains.

9. Jasper National Park, Alberta Jasper National Park is a vast, untamed area that is a part of the Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks World Heritage Site.

8. Forillon National Park, Quebec Whale viewing, where you could, with extreme luck, get a glimpse of a blue whale, the biggest mammal in the world, is perhaps the coolest activity in this park.

7. Prince Edward Island National Park With internationally renowned sandy beaches that offer infinite hours of amusement, this national park is all about the water.

6. Kluane National Park The 5,959-meter Mount Logan, which is located in Kluane National Park, is the highest mountain in the whole country.

5. Waterton Lakes National Park Tucked away in the southern part of the province, the region is home to stunning prairies, lakes, and, of course, The Rocky Mountains.

4. Fundy National Park Exploring the murky ocean floor before stepping back and watching the water levels increase 12 meters in a couple of hours is really cool.

3. Gros Morne National Park Gros Morne National Park, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, spans 1,805 square kilometers of breathtaking landscape on Newfoundland's west coast.

2. Pacific Rim National Park Reserve This is a national park you won't want to miss if you want to be amazed by Mother Nature and perhaps even a bit humbled.

1. Banff National Park On practically everyone's bucket list of places to visit in the globe is Banff, and with good reason.

Make it a priority to see at least a handful of these magnificent Canadian national parks. Share this guide if you liked it! Happy Travel!


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