By Malvika Kashyap
July 6, 2022
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Lake Cushman is renowned as a rough and stunning alpine retreat for any seasoned adventurer from Seattle, and for good reason.
It offers easy access to the city without sacrificing the wilderness setting. Despite the fact that Lake Cushman receives a lot of people, don't let that deter you. This place offers a lot to love.
The darkness of night disappears from the sky like a wool blanket on a Sunday morning, and a headlamp illuminates the upward ascent. Mornings are for ambition here.
Some of the paths in this area can be challenging and difficult. At Lake Cushman's northwest corner, behind the Skokomish River's ponderous waters
When canoeing on Lake Cushman, the breathtaking view from Mount Ellinor's summit reverses, exchanging the expansive vista for the closeness of the valley of the Skokomish River and its steep slopes.
The northwest rim of Lake Cushman is cut with cliffs for jumping out of. Explore The Big Rock's depths, where there is a maximum drop of 17 feet.
There are plenty of places to camp near Lake Cushman if you want a cosy spot to stay and a fire to greet the evening. At Lake Cushman Resort, look for camping areas.
The open season lasts all year long at Cushman Lake. This impoundment of the North Fork Skokomish River is a dam-enlarged natural lake.
Due to stumps and other sunken debris in some locations, caution must be exercised. This lake is not stocked with rainbow trout.
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