Tour Guide

Know more about Stoney Creek Lake

By Malvika Kashyap

Lake Guide Team

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Stony Creek, a tributary of the Clinton River, was dammed to create Stony Creek Lake, a man-made body of water.

Northern Oakland County's Stony Creek drains 72 square miles, and the lake created by the dams has a 500-acre surface area.

The moraine on which Stony Creek Metropark is built creates a variegated landscape. The park contains wetlands, hills, prairies, and woodlands.

The park's elevation at the park office is 875 feet. Although a visitor can see downtown Detroit from the park office, it is not, as many people think, the highest point in Macomb County.

The highest point in Macomb County is Trombley Mountain, which is 1,150 feet above sea level and situated in the Ford Proving Grounds (Bruce Township).

There are numerous paths at Stony Creek, spread throughout four main parts of the park. On the grounds of a former estate.

Near the nature centre, there are additional hiking routes totaling 8.5 miles (13.7 km), and there are more than 6 miles (10 km) of walking paths close to Inwood Lake.

Southeast Michigan's osprey population is being restored by the park. The park is home to a wild turkey, deer, bald eagles, and other creatures that one might encounter in southeast Michigan.

The nature centre maintains a species list and encourages birding. During the spring and summer, massasaugas, the sole poisonous snake in Michigan, have been seen.

4,435 picturesque acres of outdoor recreation opportunities may be found at Stony Creek Metropark all year long.

Stony Creek Lake, a stunning 500-acre body of water at the centre of the park, is a popular destination for swimmers, boaters, and fishermen to spend the day on the lake.

Watch the park change into a world of cross-country skiing, fat tyre mountain biking, and more during the winter.


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