By Malvika Kashyap
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In Butte County, northern California, the Oroville Dam impounds the Feather River to create the reservoir known as Lake Oroville. 5 miles to the northeast of Oroville is where the lake is located.
The California State Water Project treats Lake Oroville, the state's second-largest reservoir, as a cornerstone facility by storing water there.
Controlling the saline incursion into the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and conserving fish and animals are made possible by providing flood control, recreation, and freshwater releases.
The lake is a well-known bass fishing spot in the country, and coho salmon are supplied there from the Feather River Fish Hatchery. One of Lake Oroville's key components is this hatchery.
All seasons are legal for fishing, however keep in mind that you need a sport fishing licence from California. For black bass "slot limit" rules, check the park.
The salmon and steelhead hatchery on the Feather River, which is across the river from Oroville, has a 20,000,000 egg capacity.
The public can engage in a variety of leisure activities at the lake. A museum, displays, films, and a shop are all featured in the Lake Oroville Visitor Center.
So, friends, this was the basic information about Lake Oroville at California. If you liked this information then please share it with your friends
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