Tour Guide

10 Most Beautiful Places in the World

By Malvika Kashyap

Lake Guide Team

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1. Positano, Italy Positano is one of the most endearing communities on the Amalfi Coast and is well known for its top-notch hotels and characteristic pastel structures.

2. Machu Picchu, Peru It takes quite a journey at a high elevation to reach the place in the mountains, but the vistas are unlike anything you'll ever see in your life.

3. Jaipur, India India's Pink City, a favourite destination of fashion experts and designers, is home to some of the most ornate and vibrant palaces in the entire nation.

4. Avenue of the Baobabs, Madagascar On Madagascar's west coast, the dirt path connecting Morondava and Belon'i Tsiribihina is beautifully framed by dozens of old baobab trees.

5. Temples of Bagan, Myanmar The historic city of Bagan in Myanmar is home to over 3,500 beautiful Buddhist pagodas and temples.

6. Kauai, Hawaii Beautiful white sand beaches, astounding sea cliffs, attractive waterfalls, and extensive vegetation make up the local scenery.

7. Paris, France the celebrated city served as a retreat for artists, designers, and authors who frequently find inspiration in the magnificent buildings, gardens, and cafes around.

8. Banff National Park, Canada Banff National Park is one of the most gorgeous places on earth, with sparkling glacier rivers surrounded by snow-capped mountains and scented evergreens.

9. Marrakech, Morocco Everyone is welcome to explore the ancient buildings and thriving markets in the mediaeval Medina, which have long served as a representation of the Moroccan city

10. Kumano Nachi Taisha Shrine, Japan Visitors are attracted to the shrine because of its prominent location atop Nachi Mountain and calm surroundings, which provide a retreat from the busy world.

The Top 10 Most Beautiful Places in the World, my friends. Share this online story with your friend if they intend to travel to these locations.


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