Contacting us is very easy, if you are trying to contact us then you can send us an email at Please do not send us spammy emails or irrelevant questions or suggestions. Our team may put your email into the block list if you continue doing the same.
How to contact us?
- Write us an email.
- Mention the appropriate subject line. please do not keep it blank.
- If you have suggestions then please mention them in the comment itself.
- Or if you want to contact us for commercial advertisement purposes then mention the same in the subject line.
- Write complete and detailed information in the email body.
- If you have corrections then provide us with a screenshot from our website with a link to that webpage.
- Send us the corrections or suggestions with the proper source links and study materials.
- Once you contact us our team will study your email and possibly respond to you in 2-3 weeks’ time.